The Bethe Ansatz
The Bethe Ansatz
Models, methods and results
This site presents a collection of online resources on the Bethe Ansatz and related concepts used in the study of integrable models of quantum mechanics.
The aim is to provide a compendium of models, methods and results on these (in many ways) exceptional many-body systems, in order to make their fascinating physics accessible to a wider audience.
From the reader, a minimal undergraduate-level knowledge of quantum mechanics and of statistical mechanics is assumed. The material is presented in gradually increasing levels of difficulty: important concepts and methods are first introduced using the simplest available model, and therafter adapted or extended to others. Material of a more advanced or specialized nature is relegated to higher-level subsections.
You will find more details on the style and format in the Notes to the reader section.
This site is (and will remain) an open-ended construction project.
In this section:
- Introductioni
- Models and eigenstates: the Coordinate Bethe Ansatzc
- Ground states: identification, properties and excitationsg
- Equilibrium at finite \(T\): the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatze
- The Algebraic Bethe Ansatza
- Dynamical correlation functionsd
- Integrability out of equilibriumo
- Literaturel

Created: 2024-01-18 Thu 14:24